• Architects of Change Perspective

From change management to change leadership: The impact of The Cloud on the role of the CIO.

Cloud computing is forcing CIOs to think differently about how they generate value for the business, says Don Holley, Managing Director of Mindset, the organisational transformation specialists...

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Tags CIO Leadership, Cloud, IT leadership, businens transformation, change leadership, IT transformation

7 legal issues for CIOs to watch out for in cloud computing contracts

Take care to ensure both your own and your customers' data is properly protected when embarking on a cloud services contract. That’s the message from Dudley Kneller, a partner at Madgwicks, who...

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Tags CIO Leadership, Cloud, cloud compliance, cloud computing, cloud policy, legal, legal issues in cloud computing

How is the shift to the Cloud affecting the role of the CIO (part 2)

In part one of this blog we revealed some startling predictions from Gartner forecasting that the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO by 2017. This got us thinking about why this might be the...

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Tags CIO Leadership, Cloud, cloud SLAs, cloud brokerage

How is Cloud impacting the CIO - Shadow IT (Part 1)

Gartner recently forecast that the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO by 2017. This startling prediction is driven by a symptom that is already starting to emerge in 2013. The rise of “Shadow IT”...

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Tags CIO Leadership, Cloud, cloud brokerage, Shadow IT, Stealth IT

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