• Architects of Change Perspective

4 reasons your organisation needs a business-centric security model

Cloud computing, despite drastically reducing IT complexity, is adding complexity to the security model. Modern networks have transcended traditional walls and organisations have essentially become...

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Tags CIO, digital strategy, Digital Transformation, Security, IT security, internet of things, IoT, SMAC

The Emerging IoT Threat to Information Security

CIOs are facing a huge impact from the 'Internet of Things' (IoT) on their digital and information security.

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Tags Digital Transformation, Security, data security, internet of things, IoT, Logicalis, networking

The Overlooked Deep Impact of Mobile App Data

Just when CIOs and business executives were coming to terms with the concept of Big Data and Smart analytics, another important data source, currently mostly being overlooked, has been highlighted.

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Tags big data, big data analytics, Digital Transformation, Cloud, analytics, apps, data security, Gartner, IDC, information infrastructure, IoT, mobile apps, wearables

Preparing for 'The Internet of Things'

While the 'Internet of Things' (IoT) may sound like an exciting approaching future where everything is blissfully connected, it may be a bad dream for infrastructure and operations managers...

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Centre, Data Centre transformation, data centres, Gartner, IoE, SDN, internet of things, IoT

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