• Architects of Change Perspective

How did this week’s Ransomware outbreak affect us Globally?

Ransomware is just one incarnation of the threat landscape in which our businesses and public agencies operate today.

The recent outbreak illustrates some key facts and principles that assist...

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Tags CIO Leadership, IT infrastructure, Security, data security, Technical

Why the IT manager is the CIO’s best asset

Regardless of your industry or organisational profile, as a CIO you’re in the business of relationships – with customers, vendors, suppliers, and colleagues. But the most important relationship is...

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Tags IT management, Digital Transformation, CIO Leadership

How the CIO can forge a good relationship with the CMO

The digital explosion has forced CMOs and CIOs to work more closely together, but that doesn’t mean they work together well. Most CMOs see marketing as the natural leader of digital technology...

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Tags business success, CIO, CMO, collaboration, Digital Transformation, CIO Leadership

Fail to plan, plan to fail: how CIOs should prepare for the digital future

Digital technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and will have a disruptive impact on enterprises. To be relevant in the future, companies need to have a vision of what the future is and...

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Tags CIO, digital technologies, CIO Leadership, CIO summit, digital, digital disruption, IT leaders

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