• Architects of Change Perspective

The Partner Strategy for 3rd Platform Success

The IT tide seems to be turning away from organisations taking on the challenge of owning and operating their own internal data centres - they are turning instead to outsourcing to expert service...

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Centre, Data Centre transformation, data centres, 3rd platform, IT assets, Logicalis, managed services, service provider, service providers

Preparing for 'The Internet of Things'

While the 'Internet of Things' (IoT) may sound like an exciting approaching future where everything is blissfully connected, it may be a bad dream for infrastructure and operations managers...

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Centre, Data Centre transformation, data centres, Gartner, IoE, SDN, internet of things, IoT

Cloud solutions + your business = Savings

In a recent survey Logicalis conducted, we found that despite almost 90% of respondents highlighting the positive cost and strategic benefits of cloud adoption, over half of those surveyed (56%) had...

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Tags Digital Transformation, Cloud, cloud business case, cloud computing, cloud economics, cost savings, cloud service, Logicalis

What does the IT future look like? A Guide for CIOs

CIOs should not under-estimate the impact of the forthcoming world of the software defined network (SDN) and software-defined data centre (SDDC), which may be less than two years away.

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Centre, SDDC, SDN, service defined enterprise, service led transformation, Software Defined Network, IT transformation, Logicalis

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